Minor Scales In Lower Positions

Learn the natural minor scales in twelve keys in the lower positions

Contains a complementary lesson online.

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Available on its own or as part of the double bass technical studies bundle

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About minor scales in lower positions

During this course you will learn the natural minor scales in twelve keys in the lower positions. We will explore all the aspects of musical knowledge and technique involved playing these scales on the lower part of the double bass.

The skills and techniques you learn from this course will stay with you and will be a valuable guide in your future endeavours of playing the acoustic bass.

We hope to be of help as you establish your musical and technical foundations and wish you great success with your double bass playing!

What you will learn from this course

These concepts and skills:

    • Using the major scale to determine the notes of the natural minor scale and learning these notes
    • Locating notes on the fingerboard
    • Shifting between positions as we advance on the neck
    • Playing in tune and learning ways to check intonation
    • Adjusting finger patterns to gain a logical fingering
    • Alternate finger patterns to be able to play the same run different ways
    • Recognizing common finger patterns
    • Basic reading skills as you have read through the sheet music


What is included in minor scales in lower positions

This course contains:

  • 14 lessons
  • 14 videos (totalling over an hour and a half)
  • 13 sheets of accompanying music
  • 12 playalong tracks
  • Personal contact with a complimentery Bass booster video exchange lesson

Course structure


The Natural Minor Scale - To start you out with the course, we explore the minor sound, highlight a very important interval, the minor 3rd and determine the origin of the natural minor scale.

Half Position

A Minor Scale - This is the one octave A natural minor scale played with 2 alternate fingerings in half and first position
E Minor Scale - This is the one octave E natural minor scale played with 2 alternate fingerings in half and first position

First Position

Bb Minor Scale - This is the one octave Bb Natural Minor Scale played in First Position.
F Minor Scale - This is the one octave F Natural Minor Scale played in First Position.
B Minor Scale - This is the one octave B Natural Minor Scale played in First Position.
F# Natural Minor Scale - This is the one octave F# Natural Minor Scale played in First Position.

Second Position

C Minor Scale - This is the one octave C Natural Minor Scale played in Second Position.
G Minor Scale - This is the one octave G Natural Minor Scale played in Half and Second Position.

Second And Third Interim Position

C# Minor Scale - This is the one octave C# Natural Minor Scale played up to the 2nd & 3rd Interim Position.
G# Minor Scale - This is the one octave G# Natural Minor Scale played with two different fingerings, in first Position and up to the 2nd & 3rd Interim Position.

Third Position

D Minor Scale - This is the one octave D Natural Minor Scale played up to the 3rd Position. This is an easy and rewarding scale to learn and play, including one shift only.

Third And Fourth Interim Position

Eb Minor Scale - This is the one octave Eb Natural Minor Scale played up to the 3rd & 4th Interim Position.


Next Steps - We have learnt all twelve one octave Natural Minor Scales in the lower positions. We have explored many aspects of the technique and musical knowledge involved to play the instrument by doing so.
Or enroll on the double bass technical studies bundle amd get this course as part of it.
And don't forget that enrolling on any courses also gives you access to all free content on Zoltan's Bass Lounge, and any new free courses and free lessons will be automatically available.

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